Interview with Soo Il Kang

Soo Il Kang (강수일) is a professional soccer player who currently plays for Ratchaburi Mitr Phol Football Club in the Thai League 1 (Thailand).

Soo Il began his professional career in 2007 with Incheon United (인천 유나이티드) of K League 1 (Korea) and has also played for Jeju United (제주 유나이티드) and the Pohang Steelers (포항 스틸러스).

His success made him a sensation and inspiration, especially for mixed blooded Koreans in Korea, as his drive and determination overcame the lifelong discrimination he had endured. With his successful play, Soo Il was ultimately able to achieve a dream by being selected to represent Korea as a member of the National Team.

Unfortunately, in June 2015, his career was disrupted due to a failed drug test that occurred right before he was set to make his Korean National Team international debut. This setback tarnished much of what Soo Il had worked so hard to gain.

Since then, Soo Il has worked hard and successfully resumed playing professionally. He played for Thespakusatsu Gunma (ザスパクサツ群馬) of the J2League (Japan) in 2017 and has high hopes of returning to play in Korea again in the near future.

We had the chance to catch up with Soo Il last summer (July 2017) to discuss his personal background and soccer career and are pleased to present this interview.

Please note that comments/questions are in BOLD.

Background: The Basics on Soo Il Kang (강수일)

Where were you born and raised? (어디서 태어났고 어디에서 자랐나요?)
경기도 동두천에서 태어났습니다. 지금까지도 동두천에서 (부모님) 살고 있습니다. 저는 일본에서 운동하면서 지내고 있고요.
I was born in DongDucheon Kyungi do, South Korea. My parents still live there but I am currently in Japan because of my career.

How did your parents meet? (엄마 아빠 어떻게 만났나요?)
솔직히 이런 질물을 부모님께 여쭤본적이 없습니다. 한번도 아버지를 뵌적이 없어서 가끔 생각이날뿐 큰 관심은 없었던거 같아요. 근데 지금은 많이 궁굼하고 알고싶어요.
Well I have never asked this kind of questions to my parents. I have never met my biological father so I haven’t thought about it much. But now I do want to know how they met.

Do you have any siblings? (형제나 자매가 있나요?)
아니요 저 혼자에요 외동이요. 요즘들어 형제가 있었으면 참 좋겠다 라고 많이 생각이들어요. 30대가 넘어서 그런지 조금 쓸쓸한거 같아요.
No, I am an only child. Now that I am in my 30s and feel lonely, I get to think that it would’ve been cool to have a brother or a sister.

How well do you speak Korean and English? (한국말 잘해요? 영어는 어때요?)
한국어는 누구보다 자신있습니다. 영어는 어릴적에 외국인 학교를 다녀서, 어릴땐 영어를 배워서 좀 했는데 지금은 거의 못해요 아주 조금?.. 외국인 학교에서도 차별이 심하더라구요 매일 학교 갈때마다 울었던 기억이 나네요.
그래서 다시 한국 학교로 전학을 갔어요
I am very confident with my Korean. I used to be good with English because I went to international school when I was a kid, but now anymore. I do speak a little English. Even in international school, the racism was strong and I remember crying all the time going to that school. That’s why I transferred to another school.

What is your favorite Korean food? (가장 좋아하는 한국 음식은 뭐예요?)
엄마가 해주신 LA갈비,소고기무국,김치찌개
Mom made LA Galbi (Short Ribs), Sogogui Moo Kook (Beef Soup), Kimchi Jjigae (Kimchi Soup).

Do you like soju? (소주 좋아해요?)
네 싫어하진 않는거 같아요. 술먹기 시작하면 죽을때까지 마시는 쓸대없는 주사가 있네요. 술먹고 음주 사고가 있어서 요즘은 술 안마셔요.
Yeah, I think I like it. I usually drink until I get really drunk. I got into trouble because of that so I don’t drink anymore.

Did you grow up around other half/mixed Koreans? (자랄때 주위에 혼혈 아이들이 많았나요?)
어릴적엔 같이 어울리던 혼혈 친구들이 참 많았는데 지금은 연락이 되지 않아요. 어릴적에 참 재밌었는데 말이죠. 누구도 못말리는 사고뭉치였습니다.
Yeah I used hang around with lots of mixed-blood friends but not anymore. We used to have lots of fun. We were troublemakers.

In Korea, were you ever ignored due to your mixed background? (혼혈로 자라면서 무시 당한적 있어요?)
많이 당했던거 같아요. 수일이랑 놀지마 깜둥이랑 놀지마 많이 힘들었어요.
Yeah, a lot. They used to tell others not to hang with Sooil or with that “black” kid. It was tough.

I know you mother raised you. Have you ever tried to find your biological father? (엄마가 키운거라고 알고 있는데 친아버지나 친아버지 가족들을 찾아본적 있나요?)
저 초등학교1학년? 그때 한번 엄마가 찾았던거 같아요 그리고 그 이후론 한번도 찾아본적 었어요. 이제는 찾고 싶어요.
I think when I was like 1st grade of elementary? My mother tried to find him. But never after that. Now, I want to find him.

When did you meet your stepfather and did he treat you good? (새아버지는 언제 만났고 잘해주시나요?)
새 아버지는 초등학교 5학년? 중학교때부터 같이 살았어요. 모든걸 엄마한테 맞춰 주시는 로맨틱한 남자에요. 꽃 선물도 엄마께 자주하시구요. 저도 아
I met him for the first time when I was in 5th grade of elementary. We started living together when I got into middle school. He is a very romantic person and he frequently gives roses to my mother. He takes good care of my mother.

What do people who meet/see you think your ethnicity is? (다른 사람들이 당신을 어느 나라 사람으로 생각하나요?)
처음 봤을땐 한국말을 정말 잘하는 미국인. 한국말 능숙하게 하는거에 다들 놀래요. 아직도 몇몇분들의 나쁜 시선이나 태도에 참고는 하지만 욱할때가 있습니다.
First, they think of me as a very Korean-fluent American. They get surprised by my Korean skills. Sometimes I get mad because of this, but I try to keep down my anger.


When did you start playing soccer? (몇살때 축구 시작했나요?)
11살 초등학교 4학년때부터 했어요. 다른학교 싸움짱이랑 싸우러 갔다가 감독님 눈에 띄어서 시작하게되었어요.
When I was eleven in 4th grade of elementary. I went to another school to fight the fight boss of that school and somehow the school soccer director saw my talent in soccer and I got into it.

Have you ever tried other sports? (자라면서 다른 운동을 한적이 있나요?)
축구하기전에는 학교를 대표하는 육상선수였어요. 나가는 대회마다 전부 1등. 80미터100미터200미터400계주800미터까지요.
Before playing soccer I used to be an athlete. I got 1st place in all 80 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters relay and 800 meters competitions at that time.

When did you think about the possibilities of becoming a pro soccer player? (언제 프로 선수가 될거 같았나요?)
될거 같다? 그런 생각보다는 무조건 되야한다는 마음이 컷던거 같아요. 단 한번도 프로선수가, 국가대표가 안된다고 생각한적 없어요. 지금도 다시 국가대표를 목표로하고 있구요.
I never thought of the possibilities. It was more like I will become and I was confident that I must become one. I never thought that I couldn’t. Now I am looking forward to become the member of the National team.

Was your family supportive when you were becoming a pro soccer player? (프로선수가 되려고 했을때 가족이 어떻게 도와줬나요?)
부모님이 많이 행복해 하셨어요. 부모님의 기쁨 행복이 저의 에너지랍니다.
My parents were very happy. That happiness equals my energy.

I know you moved to Japan last year to play soccer. What are some good things of being a soccer player over there? (작년에 일본 팀에서 축구를 시작했는데요~ 일본에서 선수로 뛰면서 어떤점이 좋았나요?)
축구만 할수 있도록 환경이 너무 좋아요. 지금 뛰고있는팀은 많이 열악하지만 한국애 비해서 월등하게 잘 되어있는거같아요. 자유스럽고 용병 대우를 받는게 너무 행복해요. 많은 관심의 비중 이 저를 설레게 합니다.
I like the fact that I only need to concentrate on soccer. I know that my team is not the best of all but, compared to Korea, it has a much better environment. It feels good to be treated as a foreign player here. They put a lot of interest in me. It makes me happy.

Have you ever thought of playing professionally in the USA? (나중에 미국에서 선수로 뛸 생각은 있나요?)
네 꼭 한번은 미국 아버지의 나라에서 뛰고 싶어요. 영어도 다시 배우고요.
Yes, I want to play in my father’s country. I want to learn English again.

What do you think you will be doing five years from now? (5년후엔 무엇을 하고 있을것 같아요?)
요즘에 많이 생각하는 부분인데 제가 하고싶은일은 모델, 해설의원, 방송 이런것들을 하고싶어요. 이런일을 하면서 가장 중요한 나와같은 아이들에게 멋진 무대를 만들어주고 운동을 통해서 사회와 가까워질수 있도록, 좋은 교육을 하고싶어요.
It is something that I have been thinking about recently. I’m pretty sure that I will be doing what I always wanted to do, such as being a model and a commentator. While doing this, I want to help the kids who grew up like me by giving them an opportunity where they can play sports and be close with the society.

You had the failed drug test in 2015 that led to you not playing soccer in Korea afterwards. Can you explain what had happened? (2015년에 도핑테스트 했을때 무슨 일이 있었던 건가요? 테스트에서 떨어져 한국에서 축구 선수로서의 기회를 잃게되었나요?)
어릴적부터 멋내기를 좋아해서 눈썹이 빠지는곳에 그리고 수염을 기르고 싶어서 일본 미크로겐이란 연고를 발랐는데 그게 도핑 양성반응이 나왔어요. 도핑은 저의 모든걸 빼앗아갔어요. 국가대표의 부와 명에 모든걸…자격정지로 2년동안 훈련도 할 수 없었고 월급도 받지 못했어요. 이 시기에 음주 사고까지 있어서 모든 사람의 질타를 받았고 명예까지 잃었어요.
Since I was a kid, I like to put an extra interest in my looks. So, I wanted to make my eyebrows to have more hair. I used this Japanese cream called Microgen which made the dope test come out positive. That dope test took everything from me. I lost my reputation and my wealth. I couldn’t get trained or get my salary for two years. In addition, I got into trouble while I was drunk. It became a big issue in my life where I lost everything.

Do you think you can became member of the Korean National team again? (다시 국가대표가 될 수 있을까요?)
네. 전 그 생각으로 노력하고 있습니다. 어렵다는거 알지만 어려운 일을 해내는게 저라고 생각합니다. 반드시 꼭 다시 할겁니다.
Yes and I am trying my best to accomplish that. I know it won’t be easy but I know I can and I will make it happen.

Are you married or do you have a girlfriend? (싱글인가요? 결혼했나요? 여친있나요?)
여자친구도 없고, 결혼도 아직이고 할 일이 많네요.
No, I am not married. Also, I don’t have a girlfriend. There is so much to do.

What do you do on your spare time? (쉴때는 뭐해요?)
영화보거나 온천을 하거나 집에있어요. 뭐 딱히 하는건 없는거 같아요. 요즘은 일본어 공부를 해요.
Not much, maybe movies, hot-springs or just at home. Recently, I’m studying Japanese.

Who do you respect the most? Who do you consider your role model? (롤모델이 있습니까?)
하인스워드, 인순이. 다들 대단한 분들이자나요. 같은 위치에 서고 싶습니다.
Hines Ward and Insooni. I think they are amazing. I want to be on that level.

What were your first thoughts when you found out about (해프코리안 닷컴 처음 접했을때 어떤 생각이 들었나요?)
아직 자세히는 모르지만 직작에 알았더라면 좀 더 재밌는 일들이 있었을것 같아요.
I don’t know much about it but I know that if I knew it earlier, I would have done more interesting things.

Any final words for the fellow mixed Koreans? (모든 혼혈인들에게 하고 싶은말이 있다면?)
누구보다 당당하게 자신의 길을 걸으라고. 꼭 일어서서 모든 행복을 누리라고. 좋은곳에서 혹은 언제 만나도 행복한 시간을 보내자고 말하고 싶어요.
Be confident while you are accomplishing your dreams. Enjoy happiness because you deserve it. I hope to meet you all and share the joy together.

We want to give a huge thank you to Soo Il for taking his time to do this interview with us and we wish him much continued success! We hope to see him playing in Korea again in the near future!

We would also like to give special thanks to our good friend Carlos Galvan for assisting in the interview and translation for us!

You can follow Soo Il via his official Instagram.

Interview by: David Lee Sanders
Assistance/Translation by: Carlos Galvan

Posted: 2/23/2018

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Soo Il Kang (Courtesy: Ratchaburi Mitr Phol)

(Courtesy: Thespakusatsu Gunma)



Young Soo Il on a youth soccer team (far left in middle row)

Soo Il with his mother

Soo Il with famous singer/entertainer Insooni




Soo Il with his step-father and mother
(Pictures courtesy of Soo Il Kang)